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The BGRF has been constituted as a charity in the UK to support the application of our knowledge of the mechanisms of ageing to the relief of disability, suffering and disease in old age

The formal aims of the charity are

To relieve sickness and preserve, protect and advance all or any aspects of

the health of elderly persons

To advance the education of the public in the field of biogerontology

The Biogerontology Research Foundation is the UK’s leading non-profit focused on Longevity and on expediting the coming paradigm shift from disease treatment to personalised precision prevention. 

It was the main initial donor that provided financial and organisational support to Longevity International UK for the purpose of establishing the APPG for Longevity. 

It was also actively involved in the successful initiative of adding a new extension code for “ageing-related diseases” accepted in 2018 by the World Health Organization during the last revisions of its International Classification of Diseases framework - the closest any group has come to classifying ageing as a disease.

It has been working since 2008 to develop the UK’s Longevity Industry and the field of Geroscience (The Science of Longevity) to a level of mainstream prominence and recognition since 2008 -- nearly a decade before the Longevity Industry rose to its current state of acceptance by the mainstream investors, the global scientific community, the public and the media landscape. 

While the topic of Longevity is now accepted by even the most conservative industry, scientific and media professionals, it took tireless years of work to achieve, and the Biogerontology Research Foundation has been at the forefront of these developments. 

The Biogerontology Research Foundation Has Been Committed to Developing the United Kingdom's Longevity Industry, Academic Sphere and its State of Longevity Policy, Politics and Governance for more than 10 Years.


Now that the UK Longevity Ecosystem has reached a state of unprecedented mainstream acceptance and prominence, the Biogerontology Research Foundation is expanding its scope to help develop the Global Longevity Industry to scale.

I. Active Involvement in UK Longevity Policy, Politics and Governance Initiatives

The Biogerontology Research Foundation has always made progressive policy proposals relating to Longevity a core element of its activities, and has recently made the decision to significantly expand its scope of activities in this regard, interfacing with both national and international policy-related organisations to further the United Kingdom’s activities relating to Longevity politics and governance.

II. Cross-Sector Dialogue with All Major UK Longevity Industry Players

A focus on cross-sector dialogue, projects and initiatives spanning government, industry, academia and other relevant spheres of activity, Biogerontology Research Foundation aims to achieve a maximum level of synergy and convergence, growing every aspect of United Kingdom’s Longevity ecosystem to scale.

III. Scientific Research to Further R&D on AI for Longevity and Actionable

Biomarkers of Ageing

The Biogerontology Research Foundation has an extremely strong history of applying AI for ageing research (including more than a dozen peer-reviewed scientific articles and projects on this topic) and on the development of practically-implementable and actionable panels of biomarkers of ageing (such as its MouseAge crowdfunding initiative, which enabled the development of ageing biomarkers based on deep-learning analysis of photographs), and actively prioritises collaboration on these specific niches).

IV. Support of Progressive Longevity Financial Reform to Neutralise

the Economic Burden of Ageing Population

The Biogerontology Research Foundation is committed to working alongside progressive financial institutions including pension funds, insurance companies, private wealth banks and other relevant entities to roadmap initiatives and policy proposals to turn the problem of ageing population into the economic opportunity of Healthy Longevity.

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