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Longevity.International Presents: Biomarkers Of Human Longevity

Exclusive online event

“Longevity.International presents: Biomarkers Of Human Longevity” was a virtual 1-day conference that took place June 30, 2021 featuring presentations from a variety of companies, key players and thought-leaders active within the Biomarkers of Human Aging and Longevity Industry. The event explored the present state of the industry, as well as key strategic challenges and opportunities for translating the potentials of Biomarkers of Human Longevity from theory into practice.


During the event, Franco Cortese (Director, Aging Analytics Agency) joined by a number of executives from key companies developing Biomarkers of Human Longevity, including Deep Longevity, Biocanic, Life Length, GlycanAge and Jinfiniti Precision Medicine, who presented overviews of their recent innovations in the field, followed by a talk on the role of biomarkers in policy, regulatory development and the clinical validation of Longevity-focused therapeutics by the Kitalys Institute, and concluding with a panel discussion.

The event coincided with the public launch of “The Rising Wave of Human Biomarkers of Longevity: Landscape Overview 2021”, a new special analytical case study and interactive IT-Platform produced by Aging Analytics Agency for Longevity.Internatonal, which uses comprehensive analytical frameworks to rank and benchmark existing panels of biomarkers of aging, health and Longevity according to their ratios of accuracy vs. actionability, identifying the panels of biomarkers that can have the greatest impact on increasing both individual and national Healthy Longevity in the next few years, for use by a wide variety of strategic decision makers including companies, investors, governments and insurance companies.

Conference Recordings

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