What We Do
The Biogerontology Research Foundation has been committed to developing the United Kingdom's Longevity Industry, academic sphere and its State of Longevity Policy, Politics and Governance for more than 10 years. Now that the UK Longevity Ecosystem has reached a state of unprecedented mainstream acceptance and prominence, the Biogerontology Research Foundation is expanding its scope to help develop the Global Longevity Industry to scale.
Our Activities
Funding research to develop interventions that remediate the molecular damage underlying the diseases of ageing
Public outreach and advocacy
for ageing research
Evaluating the impact of biomedical discoveries on the economy
Encouraging young scientists to specialise in the areas of biogerontology
Hosting seminars and
Acting as a think tank for
ageing research policy
Establishing strategic
partnerships to galvanize
progress in biomedical gerontology
Embracing Longevity:
The Biogerontology Research Foundation at the Longevity Nation Conference
Our Latest Publications
Our Latest News

APRIL 8, 2020
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